[Download] Niko Villamor - "Hop Out"

Ciera Reeves

Niko Villamor is preparing to release his newest mixtape Panorama. In the mean time, he is being so kind as to tease us with tracks. Here is the 2nd track  "Hop Out". Do you see yourself blasting this in your ride?

"Lost the girl I loved, it left me with a broken heart.
So I put a plan together using all the broken parts.”

Those lines stand out to me, despite pulling my heart string, it is  clever and persevering. Villamor is truly an insightful and talented lyricist.


While you are at it, if you haven't already, pick up "Canary Carabiners"
art by @C_Will
Now who's excited for Panorama? I know I am.

Follow @nikovillamor

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