As promised Niko Villamor's Unagi featuring Jasen Effe is out tonight. This is the 1st song of the C'est La Vie project, which is a compilation tape from Niko Villamor and Jasen Effe. The tape is due out Feb. 23, make sure to pick up.
Follow: @Nikovillamor, @JasenEffe
For updates: @CDRCLV
Directed & Edited by: TremaineSpringer @JustMaine
Producer: Mia Barnett @21xMIA
Producer: Mia Barnett @21xMIA
Director of Photography: Marcel Williams @CellyCel
Assistant Director: Shahlayo Ranson @RecruitZero
Assistant Director: Shahlayo Ranson @RecruitZero
Source: @ReelPrecise YT