[Guest Blogger] Rude Paper- Realise

1 minute read

Rude Paper is a hybrid of reggae, hip hop and dupstep all rolled into one fabulous mixture that at first seems destined to be like oil and water but the more you listen to them the more the music draws you in with it's originality.

Members Koonta (singer) and Real Dreamer (producer) certainly seem to have an ear for melding blends together and it's no surprise that others have taken notice. Their first full length album Paper Spectrum debuted in September and includes collaborations with the likes of Brown Eyed Girls' Miryo, Illionaire, Dok2, Sean2Slow, and Sony Music.

They continue this trend in their song Realise, which starts off with a nice slow trance in the background that slowly builds as the song progresses. Koonta's vocals kicks in a faster pace with his reggae sounding vocals, and the combination is just, wow. Indescribable. The dubstep kicks in heavily at the 1:34 mark, in case you find the opening a little too slow.

Personally, this combination of reggae/hip hop/dubstep/trance comes together to make a pleasantly refreshing new sound. Check out the song below and don't forget leave us a comment.

Don't forget to check out my blog at Rockin' Kimchi Films where I talk about Korean films, music and entertainment!

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