Scott Kent, also known as rapper Wolverine, adopted the persona of the famous Marvel comic creation, full of rage and the unbreakable metal adamantium, long before Hugh Jackman brought the character to movie screens. And while Jackman honed his craft at the prestigious Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts, Kent also spent years honing his in Perth, except he did it in cyphers, studios and live shows around the city. With the release of his 3rd solo album, Street Music, players nationwide are soon going to need adamantium speakers.
Any notions that Wolverine is just another rapper who has thrown together an album can be quickly discarded; his new release has been almost five years in the making and during this time he has accumulated a staggering hundred plus tracks. A relentless, dark tone runs through most of Street Music, and he excels when he draws on his real life experiences to tell stories on The Poor Boy, Back In The Day and Go Thru Hell. Production on the album was handled by Wolverine himself and his DJ Rob Skaker. But the stand out tracks are the one's were Wolverine unleashes his wrath and seems to devour everything before him, The opening Wolfs Hunting is a barrage of hate as the man himself spits, "Don't hold back, this is anger rap". Reborn and Aint Fuckin' Around seem to cut through the speakers, but it's not all doom and gloom,pure lyrical talent is showcased on tracks such as Street Legend, Burn and the two collaborative gems; Road Warriors with Graphic from Clandestein and the highly addictive Higher Calibre with Dazastah from Downsyde fame.
He has also performed at some of Australia's premier live venues, and his intense live show has seen him share the stage with acts including Blackalicious, Method Man, Redman, Gza, Muggs, Foreign Legion, Brad Strut, Art of War, Downsyde, Hospice Crew, Bias B, The Funkoars and SBX. It’s been a long road, but with a national tour coming up and another album titled The Maestro in the works, Wolverine is about to be unleashed into the national spotlight.
- Joshua Hayes (Writer for X Press Magazine)
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